Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. J.S. Fletcher  17 - The Irish Housekeeper  Dead Men's Money 
 2. Charles Dickens  Act 1, Scene 2 - Enter The Housekeeper  No Thoroughfare 
 3. Download Sound Effects - SoundDogs - AOS  �v�d Effects - Irish Music with Crowds 1 - Irish music with crowd noises  http://www.Sounddogs.com 
 4. Download Sound Effects - SoundDogs - AOS  Pu�d Effects - Irish Music with Crowds 2 - Irish music with crowd noises  http://www.Sounddogs.com 
 5. Camel  Irish Air / Irish Air (Instrum  Live In Warsaw CD 2 
 6. RTÉ:Ireland  The Look of the Irish  RTÉ - Documentary On One 
 7. Irish Ерш  Irish Ерш  Ирландские песни о главном  
 8. Edward M. Favor  How can they tell that I'm Irish?  Edison Standard Record: 10345 
 9. Edward M. Favor  How Can They Tell That I'm Irish?  Edison Standard Record: 10345 
 10. Aileen Stanley  There's a little bit of Irish in us all  Edison Blue Amberol: 4256 
 11. Knopfler, Mark  Irish Boy  Cal   
 12. Brendan McKinney with the Michael Reilly Orchestra  Ode to The Irish  Hidden Treasures: Irish Music In Chicago 
 13. Southern Gateway Chorus  Irish Blessing  Barbershop Gateway Style 
 14. Celtic North  Irish Washerwoman   
 15. Candy, Greg and Jere  Irish Polka  Stringband Class 
 16. Phil Coulter & Roma Downey  An Irish Blessing   
 17. Phil Coulter  An Irish Blessing  The Christmas Album 
 18. James Morrison  Irish Girl   
 19. James Morrison  Irish Girl   
 20. Jay Buckey  Irish Washerwoman  www.jaybuckey.com 
 21. Jay Buckey  Irish Washerwoman  www.jaybuckey.com 
 22. The Clancy Brothers with Lou Killen  The Irish Rover  Greatest Hits 
 23. The Clancy Brothers with Lou Killen  The Irish Rover  Greatest Hits 
 24. Hibernia  The Irish Rover  Within a Mile of Dublin 
 25. Liam Hughes & Corey Taratuta  #07 Irish Fest  Irish Fireside 
 26. Phil Coulter  An Irish Blessing  The Christmas Album  
 27. Liam Hughes & Corey Taratuta  #01 Irish Fireside  www.irishfireside.com 
 28. Hibernia  The Irish Rover  Within a Mile of Dublin 
 29. Phil Coulter  An Irish Blessing  The Christmas Album  
 30. Phil Coulter & Roma Downey  An Irish Blessing    
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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